4 Quick Ways to Find Duplicates in Google Sheets and Keep Your Data Clean


Google Sheets is a powerful tool for organizing and analyzing data. Whether you’re managing inventory, tracking expenses, or conducting research, it’s crucial to maintain clean and accurate spreadsheets. One common challenge that many users face is dealing with duplicate entries. Duplicates can skew your data analysis, create confusion, and lead to errors in decision-making.

Data management is essential in Google Sheets to ensure the integrity of your information. By eliminating duplicates, you can streamline your workflows, improve efficiency, and enhance data quality. In this article, we will explore five quick ways to find duplicates in Google Sheets and keep your data clean.

Method 1: Using Conditional Formatting Option

Find Duplicate Using Conditional Formatting

Google Sheets provides a powerful tool called conditional formatting, which allows you to create custom formulas to identify and highlight duplicates. This method is effective for finding and removing duplicate entries in your spreadsheet.

Explanation of Conditional Formatting in Google Sheets

Conditional formatting in Google Sheets enables you to apply formatting rules to cells based on their content. By creating custom formulas within conditional formatting, you can automatically identify and highlight duplicate values, making it easier to spot and manage them within your dataset.

Apply Conditional Formatting in Google Sheets Based on Another Cell

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Step-by-Step Guide on Creating Custom Formulas to Identify and Highlight Duplicates

  • 1st: Select the range of cells where you want to check for duplicates.
Select Duplicate Range
  • 2nd: Navigate to the “Format” menu and choose “Conditional formatting.”
Select Conditional formatting Option
  • 3rd: In the conditional formatting pane, select “Custom formula is” from the drop-down menu.
Select Custom formula is Option
  • 4th: Enter a formula that checks for duplicates, such as =countif(A:A, A2)>1 for column A.
Enter a formula To highlight duplicate values
  • 5th: Choose the formatting style for highlighting duplicate values, such as a different background color or bold text.
formatting style for highlighting duplicate values
  • 6th: Click “Done” to apply the conditional formatting rules.

Utilizing Conditional Formatting to Remove Duplicate Entries

After identifying duplicate entries using custom formulas in conditional formatting, you can take further action to remove them from your Google Sheets. For example, you can use filtering or sorting options to isolate the duplicate values and decide whether to delete or modify them as needed.

By leveraging custom formulas in conditional formatting, you can efficiently find and manage duplicates in your Google Sheets, ensuring clean and accurate data representation.

Remember to regularly utilize this method as part of your data management routine to maintain the integrity of your spreadsheets.

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Method 2: Using the “Remove Duplicates” Feature in Google Sheets

Remove Duplicates Feature

The “Remove duplicates” feature in Google Sheets is a powerful tool that simplifies the task of identifying and eliminating duplicate values in your dataset. By using this feature, you can streamline your data cleaning process, save time, and ensure data accuracy.

Google Sheets provides a straightforward and efficient way to identify and remove duplicate values through its “Remove duplicates” feature. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to use it effectively:

  • Step 1: Open your dataset in Google Sheets.
Open your dataset in Google Sheets
  • Step 2: Select the range(in this case A2:C9) of cells that you want to check for duplicates.
Select the Data range
  • Step 3: Go to the “Data” menu at the top of your screen.
4 Quick Ways to Find Duplicates in Google Sheets and Keep Your Data Clean-photo
  • Step 4: Click on “data cleanup” then select “Remove duplicates” from the dropdown menu.
4 Quick Ways to Find Duplicates in Google Sheets and Keep Your Data Clean-photo
  • Step 5: A dialog box will appear with options to select columns for duplicate identification.
Remove Duplicate dialog box
  • Step 6: Choose the columns you want to check for duplicates,(in this case A column).
columns you want to check for duplicates
  • Step 7: Optionally, select or deselect the “Data has header row” checkbox based on whether your dataset includes headers or not.
deselect the "Data has header row"
  • Step 8: Click on the “Remove duplicates” button in the dialog box.
Remove duplicates

It Will Remove all the duplicate names and datas respect to that name row in column A.

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Method 3: Using Pivot Tables for Duplicate Analysis

Google Sheets also has a very useful feature called pivot tables that can help with data analysis. One of the things you can do with pivot tables is find duplicate entries in your dataset. Here’s how you can use pivot tables to identify duplicates in Google Sheets.

  • Create a Pivot Table: Start by creating a pivot table based on your dataset. To do this, select the range of data you want to analyze and go to Data > Pivot table. A new sheet will be created with the pivot table editor on the right side of the screen.
Create a Pivot Table
  • Choose Rows and Columns: In the pivot table editor, select the columns you want to analyze. If there are specific columns you want to use for finding duplicates, drag them into the “Rows” or “Columns” section in the editor.
Choose Rows and Columns In Pivot Table
  • Count Values: To find duplicates, you need to count how many times each value appears in your selected columns. Drag one of your columns into the “Values” section of the editor.
Duplicate Count Values
  • Get Values: Now Select the aggregation method in “Summarize by” as “COUNTA”.
Get Duplicates count Values
  • Spotting Duplicates: Once your pivot table is set up, you can easily spot duplicates by looking at the counts in the table. Any value with a count greater than 1 indicates a duplicate entry.
Spotting Duplicates

Using pivot tables for duplicate analysis is an efficient way to find and manage duplicates in your dataset. You can customize your analysis by choosing specific columns or dimensions, counting occurrences of each value, and filtering out non-duplicate entries.

By following these steps, you can use pivot tables in Google Sheets to quickly identify and handle duplicates in your data.

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Method 4: Configuring Advanced Criteria with COUNTIF Function

Find Duplicate Using COUNTIF Function in google sheet

The COUNTIF function in Google Sheets is a powerful tool for advanced duplicate detection. It allows you to count the number of times a specific value appears in a range, based on a given condition.

Let’s say you have a list of names in column A, and B column Having country, C column having Gender, Now you want to mark full row if having duplicate name in Column A.

Using COUNTIF function for duplicate detection in Google Sheets, follow these steps:

  • Step 1: Goto your data sheet where you want to find duplicate entry.
  • Step 2: Use the COUNTIF Function In D2 cell, enter the following formula: =COUNTIF(A:A, A2)
COUNTIF Function

This formula checks how many times the value in cell A2 appears in column A. It will serve as the basis for identifying duplicates.

  • Step 3: Copy the formula from D2 by selecting the cell with the formula and dragging the bottom right corner down to fill the rest of the cells in that column.
Dragg the formula

This will apply the formula to each cell and calculate the count for each corresponding value.

  • Step 5: The cells now display the count of each value in column A. If a value appears more than once, its count will be greater than 1. These are your duplicates!
display the count of each value
  • Step 6: To easily spot duplicates, you can apply conditional formatting to highlight them. Select the range of cells containing the counts, go to Format > Conditional formatting, and choose “Greater than” from the dropdown menu. Enter 1 as the value and select a formatting style to visually highlight duplicates.
Highlight Duplicates using conditional formatting

This targeted approach helps you focus on specific data points where duplicates are critical.

If you want to show Duplicate or Unique instade shoing count of duplicate values in column D, You can use combination of if and countif formula: =if(COUNTIF(A:A, A2)>1,”Duplicate Value”,”Unique”)

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Effective data management is crucial for maintaining clean and accurate spreadsheets. Utilize the methods discussed in the article to efficiently find and manage duplicates in Google Sheets.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. What are duplicates in Google Sheets?

Duplicates in Google Sheets are identical or repeated values within a range of cells. They can occur in any type of data, such as names, numbers, or dates.

2. How can I highlight duplicates in Google Sheets?

To highlight duplicates in Google Sheets, you can use Conditional Formatting. Here’s how:

  • Select the range of cells where you want to identify duplicates.
  • Go to Format > Conditional formatting.
  • In the “Format cells if” dropdown, select “Custom formula is.”
  • Enter the formula “=COUNTIF($A$2:$A, A2)>1” (replace $A$2:$A with the actual range you want to check).
  • Choose the formatting style you want for highlighting duplicates.
  • Click “Done.”

This will apply the formatting style to any duplicate values found in the selected range.

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3. Can I find duplicates using built-in functions in Google Sheets?

Yes, you can find duplicates in Google Sheets using built-in functions like COUNTIF. Here’s an example:

  • In an empty column next to your data, enter the formula “=COUNTIF($A$2:$A, A2)” (replace $A$2:$A with the actual range you want to check).
  • Drag the formula down to apply it to all cells in that column.
  • Any cell with a count greater than 1 indicates a duplicate value.

4. Is there a way to automatically detect duplicates in Google Sheets?

Google Sheets does not have a built-in feature to automatically detect duplicates. However, you can use custom formulas or scripts that run when data changes to dynamically identify duplicates.

5. How do I remove duplicates from a Google Sheets spreadsheet?

  • Select the range of cells that contains duplicates.Go to Data > Remove Duplicates.Choose the columns you want to check for duplicates.Click “Remove duplicates.”

This will delete duplicate values and keep only unique entries in your selected range.

6. Are there any add-ons available for finding duplicates in Google Sheets?

Yes, there are add-ons available in the Google Workspace Marketplace that provide advanced duplicate detection and management features for Google Sheets. Some popular add-ons include “Remove Duplicates” and “Power Tools.” Explore the marketplace to find the add-on that best suits your needs.

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