Download 236 Git Commands List With Proper Description

Looking to master Git? Download our comprehensive Git Commands List pdf, featuring 236 essential commands. Each command includes a detailed description and syntax explanation, perfect for both beginners and experienced developers.

Overview of Git

Git is an essential tool for anyone working in software development. It’s a distributed version control system that allows multiple people to work on a project simultaneously without interfering with each other. Git helps you keep track of changes, revert back to previous states, and collaborate efficiently with others.

Whether you’re working on a small personal project or a large team-based enterprise application, Git makes managing your codebase easier and more reliable. Download Git into your computer By clicking here.

Benefits of this Post

In this post, we’ve compiled 236 Git commands list, complete with detailed descriptions and syntax explanations. This list is designed to serve as a handy reference for developers at all levels, from beginners just getting started with version control to experienced professionals looking to deepen their Git knowledge. Understanding these commands will not only improve your workflow but also make you more efficient in handling various version control tasks.

By the end of this post, you’ll have a free downloadble PDF of the most important Git commands, empowering you to manage your projects with confidence and precision. So, let’s dive in and explore the extensive world of Git commands!

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Basic Git Commands List

Setting Up and Configuration

  1. git config
    • Description: Git configuration is crucial for setting up your identity, preferred text editor, and other settings. The git config command allows you to configure these settings.
    • Syntax:git config [--global] <key> <value>
      • --global: Set configuration globally for your user.
      • <key>: The configuration key you want to set (e.g.,, core.editor).
      • <value>: The value you want to assign to the configuration key (e.g., your name, your preferred text editor).
  2. git init
    • Description: When starting a new project, you need to initialize a Git repository to begin tracking changes. The git init command creates a new Git repository in the current directory.
    • Syntax:git init
      • This command is executed in the root directory of your project to initialize Git.
  3. git clone
    • Description: Cloning a repository allows you to create a local copy of a remote repository. This is useful when you want to start working on an existing project or collaborate with others.
    • Syntax:git clone <repository_url>
      • <repository_url>: The URL of the remote repository you want to clone.

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Basic Operations

  1. git add
    • Description: Before committing changes to your repository, you need to stage them using the git add command. This command adds modified or new files to the staging area.
    • Syntax:git add <file>
      • <file>: The name of the file you want to stage. You can also use . to stage all changes in the current directory.
  2. git commit
    • Description: Commits in Git represent a snapshot of your project at a specific point in time. The git commit command creates a new commit with the changes staged in the index.
    • Syntax:git commit -m "commit message"
      • -m "commit message": A short, descriptive message summarizing the changes made in the commit.
  3. git status
    • Description: The git status command provides information about the current state of your working directory and staging area. It shows which files have been modified, staged, or not tracked by Git.
    • Syntax: git status
  4. git log
    • Description: Git maintains a history of all commits made to a repository. The git log command displays this history, showing the commit messages, authors, dates, and commit hashes.
    • Syntax:git log
      • This command lists commits in reverse chronological order, starting with the most recent commit. Use git log --oneline for a more concise view.

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Branching and Merging Git Commands List

Branch Management

  1. git branch
    • Description: Branches in Git allow you to work on different features or versions of your project simultaneously. The git branch command lists, creates, or deletes branches within a repository.
    • Syntax:
      • git branch: Lists all existing branches in the repository.
      • git branch <branchname>: Creates a new branch with the specified name.
      • git branch -d <branchname>: Deletes the specified branch.
  2. git checkout
    • Description: The git checkout command is used to switch between branches or restore files from a different branch. It allows you to navigate through different branches in your repository.
    • Syntax:git checkout <branchname>
      • <branchname>: The name of the branch you want to switch to or the file you want to restore.
  3. git switch
    • Description: Similar to git checkout, the git switch command allows you to switch between branches in your repository. It provides a more intuitive syntax and is recommended for branch switching in Git 2.23 and later versions.
    • Syntax:git switch <branchname>
      • <branchname>: The name of the branch you want to switch to.

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Merging and Rebasing

  1. git merge
    • Description: Merging combines the changes from different branches into one. The git merge command integrates changes from a specified branch into the current branch.
    • Syntax:git merge <branch>
      • <branch>: The name of the branch whose changes you want to merge into the current branch.
  2. git rebase
    • Description: Rebasing is an alternative to merging that rewrites the commit history. The git rebase command moves or combines a sequence of commits onto a new base commit.
    • Syntax:git rebase <base>
      • <base>: The commit or branch onto which you want to rebase your current branch.
  3. git cherry-pick
    • Description: Cherry-picking allows you to apply specific commits from one branch to another. The git cherry-pick command copies the changes introduced by a commit and applies them to the current branch.
    • Syntax:git cherry-pick <commit>
      • <commit>: The hash of the commit you want to cherry-pick onto the current branch.

Remote Repositories Git Commands List

Working with Remotes

  1. git remote
    • Description: Remotes are versions of your repository that are hosted on the internet or a network. The git remote command allows you to view, add, and remove remote repositories.
    • Syntax:
      • git remote: Lists all remote repositories associated with your local repository.
      • git remote add <name> <url>: Adds a new remote repository with the specified name and URL.
      • git remote remove <name>: Removes the remote repository with the specified name.
  2. git fetch
    • Description: The git fetch command downloads commits, files, and refs from a remote repository to your local repository without merging them into your current branch.
    • Syntax:git fetch <remote>
      • <remote>: The name of the remote repository you want to fetch from.
  3. git pull
    • Description: git pull is a combination of git fetch and git merge. It fetches changes from a remote repository and merges them into the current branch.
    • Syntax:git pull <remote> <branch>
      • <remote>: The name of the remote repository.
      • <branch>: The branch whose changes you want to pull.
  4. git push
    • Description: The git push command sends your committed changes to a remote repository. It updates the remote repository with the changes made in your local repository.
    • Syntax:git push <remote> <branch>
      • <remote>: The name of the remote repository.
      • <branch>: The branch you want to push your changes to.

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Remote Repository Management

  1. git remote add
    • Description: Adds a new remote repository to your local repository. You can use this command to set up a connection to a new remote repository.
    • Syntax:git remote add <name> <url>
      • <name>: The name you want to give to the remote repository.
      • <url>: The URL of the remote repository.
  2. git remote remove
    • Description: Removes an existing remote repository from your local repository. This command disconnects your local repository from the specified remote repository.
    • Syntax:git remote remove <name>
      • <name>: The name of the remote repository you want to remove.

Undoing Changes Git Commands List

Reverting Changes

  1. git reset
    • Description: Git reset allows you to reset the current HEAD to a specified state. It can be used to unstage files or move the HEAD to a previous commit.
    • Syntax:
      • git reset <commit>: Resets the current HEAD to <commit>, keeping the changes in the working directory.
      • git reset --hard <commit>: Resets the current HEAD to <commit> and discards all changes in the working directory and staging area.
  2. git revert
    • Description: Git revert creates a new commit that undoes the changes made by a specific commit. It’s a safe way to undo changes without altering the commit history.
    • Syntax:git revert <commit>
      • <commit>: The commit you want to revert.
  3. git restore
    • Description: The git restore command is used to restore files in the working directory to their state at a specific commit or the index.
    • Syntax:
      • git restore --source=<commit> <file>: Restores the specified <file> to its state at <commit>.
      • git restore --staged <file>: Unstages the specified <file>.

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Stashing Changes

  1. git stash
    • Description: Stashing allows you to temporarily shelve changes without committing them. It’s useful when you need to switch branches or work on another task without committing unfinished changes.
    • Syntax:git stash
      • This command stashes changes in the working directory.
  2. git stash apply
    • Description: The git stash apply command reapplies the most recent stash to the working directory. It restores the changes previously stashed using git stash.
    • Syntax:git stash apply
      • This command applies the most recent stash.
  3. git stash pop
    • Description: git stash pop removes the most recent stash from the stash list and applies it to the working directory. It’s equivalent to git stash apply followed by git stash drop.
    • Syntax:git stash pop
      • This command applies the most recent stash and removes it from the stash list.

Advanced Git Commands List


  1. git tag
    • Description: Git tags are used to mark specific points in your project history, such as release points or significant commits. The git tag command allows you to list, create, delete, and verify tags.
    • Syntax:
      • git tag: Lists all tags in the repository.
      • git tag <tagname>: Creates a lightweight tag at the current HEAD.
      • git tag -a <tagname> -m "tag message": Creates an annotated tag with a message.
      • git tag -d <tagname>: Deletes the specified tag.
  2. git show <tag>
    • Description: The git show command displays information about a specific tag, including the commit it points to and any associated metadata.
    • Syntax:git show <tag>
      • <tag>: The name of the tag you want to show.

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Inspecting Changes

  1. git diff
    • Description: Git diff shows changes between commits, branches, or the working directory. It’s a powerful tool for visualizing differences in code and tracking modifications over time.
    • Syntax:
      • git diff: Shows changes between the working directory and the index.
      • git diff <commit1> <commit2>: Shows changes between two commits.
      • git diff <branch1>..<branch2>: Shows changes between two branches.
  2. git log --oneline
    • Description: The git log --oneline command provides a compact and easy-to-read summary of commit history. It displays each commit on a single line, showing the abbreviated commit hash and commit message.
    • Syntax: git log --oneline
  3. git blame
    • Description: Git blame is used to determine who last modified each line of a file and when the change was made. It’s helpful for understanding the history of a file and identifying the author of specific changes.
    • Syntax:git blame <file>
      • <file>: The name of the file you want to blame.

Tools and Utilities Git Commands List


  1. git submodule
    • Description: Git submodules allow you to include other Git repositories as subdirectories within your own repository. This is useful for managing dependencies or including external libraries.
    • Syntax:
      • git submodule: Lists all submodules in the repository.
      • git submodule add <repository_url> <path>: Adds a new submodule to your repository.
      • git submodule update --init --recursive: Initializes and updates all submodules in your repository.
  2. git submodule add
    • Description: The git submodule add command adds a new submodule to your repository. It clones the specified repository and adds it as a submodule in the current repository.
    • Syntax:git submodule add <repository_url> <path>
      • <repository_url>: The URL of the repository you want to add as a submodule.
      • <path>: The path where the submodule will be located within your repository.

Archiving and Bundling

  1. git archive
    • Description: Git archive creates a tar or zip archive of the specified tree or commit. It’s useful for packaging up your project for distribution or sharing.
    • Syntax:git archive --format=<format> --output=<filename> <commit>
      • <format>: The desired format of the archive (e.g., tar, zip).
      • <filename>: The name of the archive file to create.
      • <commit>: The commit or tree to archive.
  2. git bundle
    • Description: Git bundle packages up a set of commits and their history into a single file. It’s similar to git archive but includes the entire history of the specified branch or commit range.
    • Syntax:git bundle create <filename> <branch>..<branch>
      • <filename>: The name of the bundle file to create.
      • <branch>..<branch>: The range of commits or branches to include in the bundle.

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Collaboration and Workflows Git Commands

Collaborative Workflows

  1. git pull request
    • Description: Pull requests (PRs) are a way to propose changes and request feedback from collaborators. They’re commonly used in Git-based collaboration platforms like GitHub and GitLab.
    • Syntax:
      • Create a pull request:perlCopy codegit push origin <branch> Then, navigate to the repository on the hosting platform and create a pull request from <branch> to the target branch.
  2. git issue
    • Description: Git issues are used to track tasks, enhancements, and bugs in a project. They provide a centralized place for discussing and managing project-related issues.
    • Syntax:
      • Create an issue:luaCopy codegit issue create <title> --body="<description>"
      • List issues:Copy codegit issue list
  3. git fork
    • Description: Forking a repository creates a copy of the repository under your GitHub or GitLab account. It allows you to freely experiment with changes without affecting the original repository.
    • Syntax:
      • Fork a repository:perlCopy codegit fork <repository_url>

Worktrees and Hooks

  1. git worktree
    • Description: Git worktrees allow you to work on multiple branches simultaneously by creating separate working directories. This is useful for testing changes in isolation or working on long-running tasks while keeping your main working directory clean.
    • Syntax:
      • Create a new worktree:phpCopy codegit worktree add <path> <branch>
  2. git hook
    • Description: Git hooks are scripts that run automatically at certain points in the Git workflow, such as before committing or pushing changes. They allow you to automate tasks and enforce project-specific conventions.
    • Syntax:
      • Create a hook script: vi .git/hooks/<hook_name>
      • Make the script executable: chmod +x .git/hooks/<hook_name>

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Preview of Git Commands List PDF

Download 236 Git commands list now to have a complete reference at your fingertips. Whether you’re a beginner looking to learn the basics or an experienced developer seeking to enhance your Git skills, this detailed guide provides you with everything you need to know.

With clear descriptions and syntax explanations for each command, you’ll be equipped to navigate your projects with confidence and efficiency. Don’t miss out on this invaluable resource—get your copy today and take your Git proficiency to the next level!

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